
Monday, April 19, 2010


You know sometimes when you look back at really old pictures from decades ago, especially the 90s, you go "What the hell were they thinking? THAT was fashion?" Seriously, I kinda still have that opinion about the 90s. I used to think like that about the 80s fashion, with their flashy colors everywhere, but I find them to be fun and kinda daring!

So ya, when you look at old pics with their signature fashion trends, sometimes its just ew. I'm talking about 1970s and forward (because before the 70s, it pretty much looked nice). But of course, it could be the model who looked bad in the photo, or the quality of the photo kinda throws it off.

Anyways, I'm happy, I'm in a very fashionable era, or I might just think so because I'm living in it. Yes, we revisited some trends from the past, but we made is soooo much better. Because after a while seeing certain otherwise "ugly" trends, it grows on you and sometimes it turns out to be kinda hot or cool. Like the huge thick-framed glasses. Personally, I think fashion works because it deals with extremes, at either end of the spectrum. EX, wearing a hard cutting edge top VS. a soft top with bows. Just don't be caught in the middle, because then it seems like its a compromise of both, or "best of both worlds" if you will, and so sometimes finding middle ground isn't always the best idea (baby dolls are an exception). EX: wear a fitted/tight sweater or something fairly loose. Getting something slightly fitted/loose makes you look lumpier than you actually are right? (90s people did that!).

Anyways, the whole point of this post was to question the new comeback of flat brogues for women. It's a dormant fashion trend, brought back from the 1930s! I don't know, it's recently grown on me. At first, I thought it was too masculine, but seeing some girls wear them recently, I like them! It's hard to match with them though!

Ones that I've been eyeing: (I still need to get used to two-tone brogues.)
Aldo. Leather. 65$

So, the easiest thing you can wear this right is to have a
  • nice boyfriend blazer (masculine with masculine shoes!)
  • nice leather jacket (though you would have to take it off)
  • casual dress
  • jeans and leggings of course

Rating: 1. OK; 2. Meh (i think her capris ruined the outfit); 3. Cute; 4. Super cute; 5. Cute

Rating: 6. Good; 7. Not good, ew.; 8. Super cute; 9. Super cute

Also, I recently purchased a small bag for once (20% Discount :D)

And I wanna get this for some reason:
OK, back to studying.
Ok. For real, I'm going back to studying now.



    but um yeah. the brogues, ive always thought they were nice. I think I'm born in the wrong era. I like old lady-wear hahaha
    but yeah, its very indie style. i prefer the white over the black. the black one just looks... odd. like half half.

  2. loll ya it is.. like half flats and half brogue. i think of it as a sort of transition :D lolll
